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Tuition Free Universities: Top 5 Countries Where Tuition is Free in 2023

Tuition Free Universities

“Tuition Free Universities” refers to educational institutions where students are not required to pay tuition fees for their studies.

In such universities, the cost of education is covered by the government, private funding, or other sources, allowing students to attend classes without the burden of tuition expenses.

These institutions are often found in countries that prioritize accessible higher education and aim to make it more affordable for both domestic and international students.

If you don’t qualify for fully-funded university scholarships, you can explore other options. Consider enrolling in universities that do not charge tuition fees or have low fees.

Some countries like Norway, Austria, Germany, Finland, and Sweden offer various tuition-free or low-cost schemes and tuition waivers for international students.

Tuition Free Universities in Norway

In Norway, state universities and colleges usually don’t ask students, including international ones, to pay tuition fees at any level of education, from undergraduates to Ph.D. programs. However, students need to pay a semester fee of NOK 300-600 each semester.

It is important to note that while most state universities and colleges in Norway do not charge tuition fees for their programs, some specialized Master’s programs in these institutions may have fees.

On the other hand, private institutions generally have tuition fees for all their programs, but these fees are typically much lower than what you would find in most other countries.

One positive aspect is that international students do not have to pay higher tuition fees than Norwegian students.

Cost of Studying in Norway: You should take into consideration that living expenses in Norway are higher than in many other countries.  Living expenses would amount to NOK 90,000-100,000 per year.

Tuition Free Universities in Austria 

If you are a non-EU/EEA student in Austria, federal/public universities usually charge around 726.72 Euros per semester for tuition fees, along with a 20.20 Euros student union membership fee and student accident insurance fee.

However, there are cases where you may be exempt from paying tuition fees or receive a full/partial refund.

These exemptions apply to certain scholarship holders, participants in exchange programs or university partnerships, and students from specific countries. For more details, it is best to refer to the university’s website directly.

Cost of Studying in Austria: The cost of living for students in Austria is approximately 800 Euros per month which covers accommodation, food, and personal expenses.

Tuition Free Universities in Germany 

Since October 2014, all universities in Germany, with the exception of Baden-Württemberg, have stopped charging tuition fees for bachelor’s and consecutive master’s degree programs, which applies to all students, including international ones.

However, some Federal States may ask for a semester contribution and/or administration fees, usually around 50 euros each.

It is necessary to note that this tuition fee structure could change in the future, so it is best to check the provided page for the latest information on tuition fees in different federal states in Germany.

Presently, Baden-Württemberg charges tuition fees of €1,500 per semester for non-EU citizens pursuing Bachelor’s, Master’s, Diploma, and state examination degree programs.

While most Master’s studies in Germany come with tuition fees, they are generally lower compares to other countries. On the other hand, doctoral studies at German universities are usually free.

PhD students might be charge tuition only after completing their first six semesters, but they are require to pay a semester contribution of approximately 150-200 euros per semester. Doctoral students usually work on a research project as paid PhD positions or receive a scholarship.

Tuition Free Universities and Scholarships in Finland

Tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students has been introduce from autumn 2017 onwards for English-taught Bachelor’s or Master’s programmas. 

Only Doctoral level studies will remain free of tuition fees,  regardless of your nationality.

Finnish universities and UAS’s offer scholarship options for gifted non-EU/EEA students admitted to their fee-charging Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmers. 

EDUFI Fellowships are available to cover living expenses for Doctoral studies for up to one  academic year.

Cost of Studying in Finland: 

Estimated living expenses of a single student in Finland average around 700-900 Euros per month.

Tuition-Free Scholarships in Swedish Universities 

If you are not a citizen of an EU/EEA/Nordic country or Switzerland and want to study at the bachelor’s or master’s level in Sweden, you will need to pay application and tuition fees.

Nevertheless, there’s good news for international students, as the Swedish Institute and many universities provide full or partial scholarships in the form of tuition waivers.

When it comes to PhD positions in Sweden, they are typically offered as paid positions either by universities or external funding bodies.

If you are offer a position as a PhD candidate, you won’t have to pay any fees, and you will receive a monthly salary.

Online Tuition-Free Universities 

Nowadays, there are several Universities that offer free online degrees and courses.

The pioneer in this area is the University of the People, a non-profit, accredited online university that aims to make higher education accessible worldwide without tuition fees.

They provide online degrees in Business Administration, Health Science, Computer Science, and even an MBA program.

Following this, MIT and Harvard collaborated to create edX, a learning platform that offers free online courses from renowned Universities like Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley, and more.

Students from any country can take advantage of this opportunity and enroll in a variety of courses at no cost.

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Tuition Free Universities: Top 5 Countries Where Tuition is Free in 2023
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